After several years of hemming and hawing (and a few ill-fated attempts), my website has finally arrived!
This site mainly serves as a promotional tool for teaching and performance opportunities. It also provides an outlet to share recordings, photos, and other pertinent career-related information formerly hidden in my computer files.
This blog page, however, is a space devoted to self-expression and experimentation. The blog itself is void of specific trajectories, deadlines, and topic requirements. This page shall, in a sense, become an online journal - a place to report anecdotes, revelations, life-updates, and other individual snapshots of my current frame of mind. I hope to provide a glimpse into my life outside of the musical parameters which prompted the creation of this site. Though I’m sure you can still expect flute and/or body mapping related discoveries as they arise!
Once again, welcome to my website! Please have a look around and, of course, feel free to get in touch with suggestions, feedback, or a quick greeting!
All my best,
P.S. Look Mrs. Peasley - I have a website!